Apostle Marguerite Breedy-Haynes was born in St. Lucia to one Barbadian parent and one St. Lucian parent and is the seventh of sixteen children. She lived in Barbados since childhood and HAS three children. Saved by Jesus who visited her in a vision, she was taken to hell, and there she was given a mandate by God not to let anyone go to that place. She then gave her life completely over to Him and was anointed as an End Time Prophet. Her ministry began by giving tracts on the streets of Barbados for over 3 years until God promoted her.
“Saving The Lost At Any Cost, End Time Ministries’ was therefore borne from her house and has now become an international ministry with branches based in Barbados, South Carolina, St. Lucia and several others which are being birthed around the world. Hundreds came to her from all over Barbados. Their lives were changed through the deliverance of the Word of God, many were healed and demons were cast out. As an End Time Prophet, she was called to preach the gospel of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. She has travelled the world ministering in various churches and crusades, teaching and admonishing others to live holy lives before God. She is known for not compromising the Word of God and believes in living what she preaches. Her desire is to win souls for the end times and to snatch God’s children from the hands of the enemy.