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your seed will speak for you

there is no barrier in deliverance

the accepted time of salvantion

the hand of god trough deliverance

how we can have the spirit with out limit

it's all about the power of god not religion

the atmosphere of healing and deliverance

experienceing the power of god through deliverance

deliverance from strong hold

deliverance through the holyspirit

healing service

only the truth will set you free

good night 26.05.2023

the satanic movements rumours of wars aronud the world 7.06 2023

good afternoon your time for miracles/8th june 2023

a night of total deliverance

thursday 1st june prayer meeting and deliverance

the might power of deliverance

the creator has called us to create

understanding spiritual laws

the glory of god seen through deliverance

the mercy of god seen through deliverance

deliverance through the power of god

woman experience hell during deliverance

deliverance of demonic spirit

the island of the caribbean watch out/5.06.2023

time for deliverance 

jesus is alive

brain surgery deliverance and the miracle of god cleaning the womb

thursday night pray meeting 8th june 2023

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